Skultimate Roller Maze 2-Pack - Kmart
Dead Tired Assortment - Kmart & Online
The Coffin Bean Giftset w/ Draculaura
Customized Assortment
Draculaura Doll + Roadster Giftset
Part Duex!! More alksjklgjsflj from all the other stores.
Skultimate Roller Maze 2-Pack - Kmart - I’m skipping this line, but yay for more Abbey!.Online Re-sellers + Kmart
Dead Tired Assortment - Fuu…Lala is too cute. I hope Amazon gets these.Costco
The Coffin Bean Giftset w/ Draculaura - But I dont’ even know how Costco works!?! :/ But I kinda do want a coffin bean, and once again Lala is super cute.Kohl’s
Customized Assortment - Day at the Maul/Classroom/Freaky Fabulous/Name fandom can’t agree on pt.2?
Major improvement on Clawdeen’s fugly pants, but I’d rather have those glasses than a purse. She also looks really close to DoTD clawdeen with her makeup and hair. Operetta loses her glasses for a new mask and some details on her purse and shoes, but her face-up is nice.JCP
Draculaura Doll + Roadster Giftset - I was gonna skip that roadster mattel! :< Draculaura looks her usual cute, her outfit will make or break my want. D: