Next generation? lol/
(With apologies to the OP)
They became FAAAAABULOUS~!!
so im guessing girls are not allowed to like monsters? i am quite fond of zombies and yetis and such
WTF? This is stupid. All those things are still the same. Big deal that there are now cute versions to play with. I kinda hate these then and now crap. I love my MH and I love zombies,werewolves and all the other stuff thank you very much.
It was meant to be. (And I looove MH and Novis too). I found the original on a horror page on FB where horror ‘elitists’ were complaining (Instead of Novis/MH/Bratz there were Twilight, Harry Potter and Avatar pics).
I did this to tease someone who posted the original. My personal opinion is that we should be grateful that there’s somethin for everyone these days, instead of bitchin about who likes what and whatnot.