Our Target has a new endcap, and all the latest cases of Scaris have been complete (not just 3 Frankie’s and 3 Rochelles). I’m certain I will end up with all of them.. 8)
Our Walmart had another case of Catrines and boy am I glad I found her already! The hair was really atrocious (like someone pulled random strands out, stuck to the face paint, and little pieces sticking up around the sunglasses). But hair can be brushed. The makeup, though? D: Three of them -THREE - had the eyeliner on the left eyes coming down the eyelid to where the reflections are! Like, it looked like they were winking or mid sneeze! Its… wow. Quality control, anyone? I picked up one for someone who previously asked… just hope the rest were a shoddy batch and not a glimpse of things to come :[