The top pic are the Barbies I collected, in anticipation of having a girl one day (before I was anywhere near pregnant). I always had blonde Barbies, so I wanted my kid to have a more diverse group. As most of the $5 ones were … well, caucasian, I colored their hair :P
Then there are the ones I collected for myself, the Generation Girls. As far as Barbies went, they were really pretty, with some decent clothes and “interests” (sports, painting, photography) as well as being from all over the world.
The 4 are the last of my “old school” Barbies. I’ve had the blonde one (workout Barbie?) since I was like, 11. And Theresa (back when she was brown) was a gift from my sister when I was 16 or 17. I told her Christmas wasn’t the same now that I stopped getting dolls for Christmas, so for a few years in a row, she bought me a Barbie u_u Christie is also from my childhood, when my Nina asked what I wanted and I asked for PoC Barbies, apparently. She bought me a black Ken, too. My Nina rocks. Anyway, they are the only four left from the 30-something Barbies I had as a kid. Epic epic sad (and subsequent stalking ebay, with which I’ve only been able to replace 2 or 3 of them T_T)
And of course Mulan and Sheng. I should’ve gotten more of the Disney ones.
My kid played with these for a year, then grew interested in the High School Musical dolls (she knew their names and their dramas and deviated from the movie ever so slightly in her play, which was weird. My dolls had a whole alternate universe, *shrugs*). And now, most of her dolls, naked, destroyed, strewn about the old house, have been willfully donated or tossed.
Its all about Monster High nao. I sincerely hope they don’t end up nearly as tore up as these did. And I’m terribly grateful that they came along when she was past the doll-destroying phase. (srsly)
Though I may fix up the generation Girls and put them on display. They are pretty cute.